文學院113-2學期學術增能論壇 第1場(美洲文學、文化研究講座)
【傅特萊爾特計畫訪問學人葉明立Carmelo Esterrich演講】
★ 講題: 島嶼的殖民銜接: 波多黎各與加勒比海地區的文史政治
★ 日期: 2025年03月06日 (週三) 12:00-13:30
★ 地點: LS-205 會議廳 (人文社會科學大樓 2樓)
葉明立 (Carmelo Esterrich)
芝加哥哥倫比亞學院 人文與文化研究教授
Cinema and Media Studies, Latin American Studies, Postcolonial Studies
Carmelo Esterrich is a Professor of humanities and cultural studies at Columbia College Chicago, where he teaches in Latin American studies and interdisciplinary humanities, from Gilgamesh to skycrapers and Bjork, and from the writings of Christopher Columbus to Frida Kahlo and Alfonso Cuarón. His book Concrete and Countryside: The Urban and the Rural in 1950s Puerto Rican Culture (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018) deals with the response of the arts to the rapid modernization and urbanization of the island. His latest book, Star Wars Multiverse (Rutgers University Press, 2021), is a multidisciplinary study of the popular franchise as only ‘fictionally’ far far away. His next book, part of the 33 1/3 music book series at Bloomsbury Press, focuses on the Mexican rock band Café Tacuba and their 1994 album Re; the book is scheduled to come out later this year. Dr. Esterrich was the winner of the 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award at Columbia College. He is the co-host of Nick and Melo’s Hyperspace, a Star Wars podcast. Carmelo was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
主持人: 楊自平院長
12:00-12:05 開場
12:05-13:00 講座
13:00-13:30 問題與交流
※ 為調查出席意願,同時進行餐點統計,敬請各位老師填表:
※ 截止日期: 2025年2月27日 (週四) 中午12:00 截止填寫。
※ 活動限35人參與,教師優先。
■ 聯絡人: 文學院 張維晏 (分機33004)