敬邀!「院史空间」开幕 Invitation: Opening Ceremony|2024/10/01 (Tue.) 11:30am @LS-211

  • 2024-09-18
  • 林荣福
  文学院 敬上 2024.09.18

Dear Colleagues,

   After several months of preparation, we are honored to announce the opening of a dedicated space that celebrates the history of our College of Liberal Arts.  To mark this special occasion, we warmly invite all faculty and colleagues to join us for the opening ceremony and tea reception.
  We are deeply grateful to all the departments for their support in making this possible, and we look forward to celebrating this milestone together.
  College of Liberal Arts
  September 18, 2024

「院史空间」开幕茶会Invitation: Opening Ceremony
October 1, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:30 AM
Venue: R
. LS-211, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (College of Liberal Arts, Building 3)